NurseTasks tracks several KPIs to analyze student and cohort performance. Please see the following definitions that will be referenced throughout the documentation.



The productivity score is calculated by the ratio of on-time tasks (within 30 min of the due time) divided by the total number of tasks.

Productivity Scoring

Normalized Productivity

Productivity as a standalone KPI does not necessarily accurately reflect high performance, as it only describes task timeliness.

For example, nurse A completed 100 tasks with an 80% productivity score, and nurse B completed 10 tasks with an 80% productivity score. Nurse A outperformed nurse B by handling 10X the tasks, although their productivity scores are the same.

To normalize for an accurate performance measurement, we multiply the total tasks by the productivity score which accounts for both timeliness as well as overall task workload.

Task/Patient (T/P) Ratio

The ratio of Tasks to Patients (calculated by tasks divided by patients). The T/P ratio is an acuity measurement; the higher the T/P Ratio, the busier the shift.

High T/P ratios can explain a lower productivity score since there would have been a higher workload associated with each patient.

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Cohort analytics